PHS holds their activity fair virtually
screenshot from PHS homeroom page
Books for Breakfast is just one of over 50 activities and sports that students can join.
October 9, 2020
With the instability of COVID, many extracurriculars are being cancelled or pushed back, however the virtual activity fair that happened on September 15th brings certain clubs back into the spotlight.
“Clubs like speech, drama, and debate were all shown during the event,” teacher Brittany Tillander said, who was the main coordinator for the event.
The purpose of this event was to establish how certain clubs will be working in our current situation. “The clubs will be giving out information about first meetings, time commitments, and how they’ll work in a virtual environment,” Tillander said.
If students were unable to attend or require more information, the clubs will be displayed on the Palatine Homeroom website.
“They will be advertising via their Schoology Group and through homeroom.” Tillander said as well.
The information on the homeroom page has Schoology group codes and dates for first meetings.
“Hi, Pirates!! On this site, you will find information about clubs/activities listed in alphabetical order.” The website says on the first page.
Separated as we may be, there are still ways for us to connect over the long distances and re-establish a sense of community once again.