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PHS Cutlass Awards and Recognition

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PHS Cutlass Awards and Recognition

Illinois High School Association Journalism State

6th place overall

3rd place Advertising – Megan Cox (24)

 5th place Headline Writing – Karim Melek (26)

5th place News Writing – Karim Melek (26)

3rd place Photo Storytelling – Siomara Valdez (24)

6th place Sports Writing – Tessa Faltinek (27)

4th place Yearbook Theme Development – Marissa Parchim (24) & Grace Wang (25)

Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals

3rd place overall for Sectional 1

2nd place Advertising – Megan Cox (24)*

 6th place Copy Editing – Charlie Landwehr (27)

4th place Editorial Cartooning – Megan Cox (24)

5th place Editorial Writing – Anika Tsau (25)

4th place Feature Writing – Sonia Jezierski (24)

1st place Headline Writing – Karim Melek (26)*

1st place News Writing – Karim Melek (26)*

3rd place Newspaper Design – Natalie Steiger (24)*

1st place Photo Storytelling – Siomara Valdez (24)*

1st place Radio News – Jalynn Martinez (27)*

4th place Review Writing – Didrik Caleja (27)

3rd place Sports Writing – Tessa Faltinek (27)*

5th place TV News – Paige Janicki (25), Luke Jorden (24) & Bryson Landerman (26)

3rd place Yearbook Caption Writing – Sonia Jezierski (24)*

3rd place Yearbook Copy Writing – Tyler Schiavone (25)*

2nd place Yearbook Layout – Natalie Steiger (24)*

1st place Yearbook Theme – Marissa Parchim (24) & Grace Wang (25)*

* denotes State qualifier

Illinois Journalism Education Association

Division 4 – Enrollment 2300-2699

Best Website 2nd place – Cutlass Staff

Best Digital Publication 2nd place – Cutlass Staff

Individual Awards

Best Alternative Storytelling 3rd place – Siomara Valdez (24), Maksymilian

Antalovtsi (25), Genevieve Jennings (26)

Best Editorial Cartoon Honorable Mention – Megan Cox (24)

Best Feature Story 3rd Place – Karim Melek (26)

Best Headline 2nd Place – Karim Melek (26)

Best Illustration Honorable Mention – Rachael Moon (24)

Best In-Depth Story 2nd Place – Ishika Mishra (23)

Best Infographic Third Place – Matilda Szymanski (27)

Best Multi-Media Package 2nd Place – Karim Melek (26) & Siomara Valdez (24)

Best News/Feature Photo Honorable Mention – Siomara Valdez (24)

Best Serious Commentary Honorable Mention – Matilda Szymanski (27)

Best Sports Commentary 3rd Place – Luke Jorden (24)

Best Sports Commentary Honorable Mention – Tyler Schiavone (25)

Best Sports News Story Honorable Mention – Luke Jorden (24)

Best Sports Photo 2nd Place – Casimir Heinritz (26)

Best Use of Social Media 2nd Place – Karim Melek (26) & Siomara Valdez (24)

Best of SNO

Sequels, sequels and more sequels by Anika Tsau


Illinois High School Asscociation Journalism State

3rd place Newspaper Design – Natalie Steiger (24)

2nd place Yearbook Copy Writing – Monika Jurevicius (23)

2nd place Yearbook Theme Development – Yilin Li (23) & Marissa Parchim (24)

Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals

3rd place overall for Sectional 1

3rd place Advertising – Megan Cox (24)*

 3rd place Copy Editing – Ishika Mishra (23)*

5th place Editorial Cartooning – Megan Cox (24)

2nd place Editorial Writing – Hala Habahbeh (23)*

5th place Feature Writing – Ishika Mishra (23)

5th place Headline Writing – Sonia Jezierski (24)

6th place Infographics – Monika Jurevicius (23)

3rd place News Writing – Sophia Davidson (24)*

3rd place Newspaper Design – Natalie Steiger (24)*

4th place Photo Storytelling – Matt Stepp (24)

1st place Radio News – Steven Keferlis (23)*

5th place Review Writing – Hala Habahbeh (23)

6th place Sports Writing – McKenna Smith (23)

3rd place TV News – Paige Janicki (25), Klaudia Maciejowski (23) & Mary Grace Nicolas (23)*

4th place Yearbook Caption Writing – Karim Melek (26)

3rd place Yearbook Copy Writing – Monika Jurevicius (23)*

5th place Yearbook Layout – Abby Ortiz (25)

3rd place Yearbook Theme – Yilin Li (23) & Marissa Parchim (24)*

* denotes State qualifier

Illinois Journalism Education Association

Divison 4 – Enrollment 2300-2699

Best Digital Production  2nd place – Cutlass Staff

Best Overall Publication Honorable Mention –  Cutlass Staff

Individual Awards

Best Alternative Storytelling 3rd place – Karim Melek (26)

Best Headline 3rd place – Abby Ortiz (25)

Best Headline Honorable Mention – Lindsey Lussow (26)

Best Illustration 2nd place – Allison Ramirez (26)

Best In-Depth News Story 3rd place – Steven Keferlis (23)

Best Infographic 3rd place – Steven Keferlis (23)

Best Multimedia Story Package 3rd place – Hala Habahbeh (23)

Best Personality Profile 2nd place – Hala Habahbeh (23)

Best Photo Gallery Honorable Mention – Siomara Valdez (24) & Gabriella Bova

Best Review  2nd place – Tanya Gerdzhev (24) & Anika Tsau (25)

Best Sports Commentary 2nd place – Shawn Adler (23)

Best Sports Photo 3rd place – Sofia Klein (23)

Best Social Media 2nd place – Monika Jurevicius (23)

Best Video Story 3rd place – Ishika Mishra (23)

Best of SNO

Tackling stereotypes by Katelyn Whitcomb

Is feeling guilt when killing household pests rational? by Sonia Jezierski

El Departamento de EL by Steven Keferlis


Illinois High School Asscociation Journalism State

4th place Photo Storytelling – Matt Stepp (23)

Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals

3rd place Overall for Sectional 2

1st place Advertising – Hannah Henrikson (22)*

4th place Broadcast News – Steven Keferlis (23)

5th place Copy Editing – Ishika Mishra (23)

1st place Editorial Cartoon – Megan Cox (24)*

4th place Editorial Writing – Hala Hababeh (23)

2nd place Feature Writing – Ishika Mishra (23)

5th place Headline Writing – Nicole Canfield (23)

5th place News Writing – Priyanka Saroya (23)

3rd place Newspaper Design – Natalie Steiger (24)*

1st place Photo Storytelling – Matt Stepp (23)*

2nd place Review Writing – Hala Hababeh (23)*

6th place Sports Writing – Monika Jurevicius (23)

5th place Video News – Maura McGarvey (22)

5th place Yearbook Caption Writing – Monika Jurevicius (23)

6th place Yearbook Copy Writing – Sophia Davidson (24)

4th  place Yearbook Layout – Hannah Henrikson (23)

4th place Yearbook Theme Development – Yilin Li (23) & Marissa Parchim (24)

* denotes State qualifier

Illinois Journalism Education Association

Division 4

Best Digital Production 1st place – Cutlass Staff

Best Website 3rd place – Cutlass Staff

Best Overall Publication Honorable Mention –  Cutlass Staff

Individual Awards

Best Audio Journalism 1st place – Celia Bickel (22) & Maddy Miehlke (22)

Best Headline 1st place – Hala Habahbeh (23)

Best Illustration 2nd place  – Megan Cox (24)

Best In-Depth New Story Honorable Mention – Monika Jurevicius (23)

Best News/Feature Photo 3rd place – Matt Stepp (23)

Best Serious Commentary 2nd place – Hala Habahbeh (23)

Best Sports Photo 1st place – Sofia Klein (23)

Best Use of Social Media Honorable Mention – Monika Jurevicius (23)

Best Video Story Honorable Mention – Mckenna Smith (23)

Best Video Story Honorable Mention – Mary Grace Nicolas (23)


Illinois High School Association Journalism State

2nd place Advertising – Hannah Henrikson (‘22)

3rd place Yearbook Layout – Emma Langer (‘21)

5th place Broadcast News – Steven Keferlis (‘23)

Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals

1st place Advertising – Hannah Henrikson (‘22)*

3rd place Broadcast News – Steven Keferlis (‘23)*

2nd place Editorial Cartoon – Leilany Fuentes-Garcia (‘22)*

6th place Editorial Writing – Sophia Stupen (‘23)

3rd place Feature Writing – Elyssa Reed (‘21)*

5th place Headline Writing – Nicole Canfield (‘23)

2nd place News Writing – Brendan Meyers (‘21)*

1st place Newspaper Design – Emma Langer (‘21)*

4th place Review Writing – Elyssa Reed (‘21)

6th place Sports Writing – Monika Jurevicius (‘23)

4th place Yearbook Caption Writing – Monika Jurevicius (‘23)

4th place Video News – Maura McGarvey (‘22)

1st place Yearbook Copy Writing – Hannah Henrikson (‘22)*

3rd place Yearbook Layout – Emma Langer (‘21)*

5th place Yearbook Theme Development – Yilin Li (‘23) and Hope Koenig (‘21)

*denotes state qualifiers

Illinois Journalism Education Association

Division 5

Best Digital Production 2nd place – Cutlass Staff

Best Website 3rd place – Cutlass Staff

Individual Awards

Best In-Depth News Story 2nd place – Elyssa Reed (’21), Brendan Meyers (’21), Hope Koenig (’21), Anya Ball (’21), Monika Jurevicius (’23), Joseline Nunez (’21), Pavle Markovic (’21), Eli Levsky (’21), Hannah Henrikson (’22), Yilin Li (’22), Isabella Robinson (’21), Steven Keferlis (’23), Emma Langer (’21), Rand Paddack (’21)

Best Personality Profile HM  – Monika Jurevicius (’23)

Best Illustration 2nd place  – Isabella Robinson (’21)

Best Infographic 1st place –  Yilin Li (’23)

Best Alternative Storytelling HM – Elyssa Reed (’21)

Best Multimedia Story Package 2nd place – Anya Ball (’21)

Best Use of Social Media HM – Anya Ball (’21)

Best Photo Gallery/Slideshow HM – Matt Stepp (’23), Monika Jurevicius (’23), Nicole Canfield (’23), Ruth Hall (’23), Sofia Klein (’23), Steven Keferlis (’23), Sophia Davidson (’24)

Best of School Newspaper Online

 PHS grad Coralie Adam reaches for the stars by Monika Jurevicius (’23)


Illinois Journalism Education Association

Division 4

Best Digital Production 2nd place – Cutlass Staff

Best Website 3rd place – Cutlass Staff

Best Overall Production HM – Cutlass Staff

Individual Awards

Best Alternative Storytelling 3rd place – Matt Stepp (’23)

Best Audio Podcast 3rd place  – Elyssa Reed (’21) & Anya Ball (’21)

Best Audio Podcast HM  – Elyssa Reed (’21) & Anya Ball (’21)

Best Sports Feature Story 3rd place –  Monika Jurevicius (’23)

Best News/Feature Photo HM – Anya Ball (’21)

Best Use of Social Media HM – Anya Ball (’21)

Best Photo Gallery/Slideshow HM – Anya Ball (’21)

Best Video Story 2nd place  – Sandy Camarillo (’20) & Alondra Acosta (’20)

Best Video Story HM  – Mukal Verma (’22)

Best of School Newspaper Online

HBO series, Euphoria, tackles toxic masculinity by Elyssa Reed (’21)


Illinois High School Association Journalism State

3rd place Video News- Caitlin Preuss (19), Evan Waller (19), Kat Campion (19)

Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals

4th place Advertising – Hannah Henrikson (22)

3rd place Editorial writing – Joann Diep (19)*

3rd place Infographics – David Godsey (19)*

1st place Video News – Caitlin Preuss (19), Evan Waller (19), Kat Campion (19)*

4th place Yearbook Layout – Emma Langer (21)

*denotes state qualifiers

Illinois Journalism Education Association

Division 4

Best Digital Production

1st place – Palatine High School

Individual Awards

Best Website 3rd place –  Fidan Malikova (19), Caroline Philbin (19), Nataly Panczek (20), Caraline Anderson (20), Julia Plesniak (20), Joann Diepp (19) & Jane Spencer (22)

Best News Story 3rd place – Jane Spencer (22)

Best Sports News Story Honorable Mention – Truman Sanchez (21)

Best Sports Feature Story 3rd place – Emma Langer (21)

Best Serious Commentary Honorable Mention – Caroline Philbin (19)

Best News or Feature Photo 1st place – Kacper Drwenski (19)

Best News or Feature Photo 3rd place – Joann Diep (19)

Best Infographic Honorable Mention – David Godsey (19)

Best Alternative Storytelling Honorable Mention – Jane Spencer (22)

Best Use of Social Media 3rd place –  Joann Diep (19)

Best Headline Honorable Mention – Kacper Drwenski (19)

Best Multimedia Story Package 3rd place – Emma Langer (21) & Joann Diep (19)

Best Video Story 1st place –  Kacper Drwenski (19)

Best Video Story 2nd place – Evan Limberg (19) & Lucas Bold (19)

Best Blogger 1st place – Shrey Parikh (19)

Honorable Mention – Caraline Anderson (19)

Northern Illinois Scholastic Press Association

Golden Eagle Award for Overall Excellence

Gold category for News Site Excellence

Honorable Mentions

Sports Writing – Emma Langer (21)

Graphics – David Godsey (19)

Best of School Newspaper Online

Military brother surprises PHS sister by Kacper Drwenski (19)

Holz’s jump serve leads Palatine to victory by Emma Langer (21)


National Scholastic Press Association

2018 First Class

Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals

4th place Broadcast News – Nicole Wagner (’18)

6th place Headline Writing – Haley Holz (’19)

2nd place Sports Writing – Caroline Philbin (’19)*

2nd place Yearbook Caption Writing – Monika Juras  (’18)*

6th place Yearbook Copy Writing – Fidan Malikova (’19)

6th place Yearbook Layout Double Page Spread – Kacper Drwenski (’19)

*denotes state qualifiers

Illinois Journalism Education Association

Division 4

Best Digital Publication 1st place PHS Cutlass

Best Use of Social Media (Twitter) 1st place

Individual Awards

In-Depth News Story 1st place – Sam Imlay (’18)

In-Depth News Story Honorable Mention – Meghan Fortunato (’17)

Best Sports Commentary 3rd place – Mariana Fronimos (’19)

Best Sports Commentary Honorable Mention – Caroline Philbin (’18)

Best Sports Photo – 3rd place Kacper Drwenski (’19)

Best Review Honorable Mention – Caitlin Preuss (’18)

Best News or Feature Photo 1st place – Gary Guzman (’19)

Best Illustration 3rd place – Amber Domanus (’19)

Best Alternative Storytelling 3rd place – Anusha Jayaprakash (’17) & Amber Domanus (’19)

Best Multimedia Story Package Honorable Mention – Mariana Fronimos (’19)

Best Video Story 2nd place – Campbell Boston(’17), Danny Hollander(’17), Riley Ganka (’17)

Best Audio Podcast 1st place – Podcast: Will Riordan (’17), Jack Whisler (’17), Ryan Mackinnon (’17)

Best Audio Podcast Honorable Mention – Will Riordan (’17) & Jack Whisler (’17)

Best Blogger 1st place – Shrey Parikh (’18)

Northern Illinois Scholastic Press Association

Blue Ribbon winners

Photography – Gary Guzman (’20)

Editorial Cartooning – Marissa Guzman (’18)

Breaking News – Janaleigh Muszynsky (’18), Crystal Castellanos (’18), Alexandra Ramirez (’18),

Jack Whisler (’18), Abra Richardson (’20), Amber Domanus (’20), Sara Lizak (’20), Kayla Luksch (’20)

Honorable Mentions

Individual In-Depth Writing – Sam Imlay (’19)

Editorial Writing – Editorial staff

School Newspaper Online Recognition Badges

Continuous Coverage Badge

Site Excellence Badge

Multimedia Badge


National Scholastic Press Association

2015-2016 First Class with One Mark of Distinction

 Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals

3rd place Advertising – Maggie Walsh (‘19)*

6th place Broadcast news – Grace Mathew (’18)

3rd place Infographics – David Godsey (‘19)*

5th place Yearbook captions – Monika Juras (’18)

3rd place Yearbook copy writing – Abigail Zeurcher (’18)*

2nd place Yearbook theme development – Amberdeep Singh (’17) & Rachel Garcia (’17)*

*denotes state qualifiers

Illinois Journalism Education Association

Division 5 (enrollment 1,388-2,899)

Best Digital Publication 2nd place

Best Website 3rd place

Best Use of Social Media Honorable Mention

Individual Awards

Alternative Storytelling 3rd place – Janaleigh Muszynsky(’18)

Feature Story 1st place – Dylan White(’17)

Humorous Commentary Honorable Mention – Julia Plesniak(’20)

Serious Commentary 2nd place – Soraya Elhoumaidi(’19)

Headline 2nd place – Julia Plesniak(’20) 3rd place – Sarah Nagel(’18)

Illustration Honorable Mention – Sam Mulert(’17)

Infographic 3rd place – Soraya Elhoumaidi(’19)

Review Honorable Mention – Natalia Medina(’19)

News or Feature Photos 3rd place – Edwin Perez-Hemandez(’19)

Sports Photo 3rd place – Yousra Badou(’20)

Sports Commentary 2nd place – Pricilla Mendoza(’17) Honorable Mention – Karina Ruano(’17)

Sports News Story 3rd place – Ronak Patel(’17)

Video Story 3rd place – Riley Ganka(’17), David Godsey(’19), Eduardo Orozco(’18) & Jose Vital(’17)

Northern Illinois Scholastic Press Association

Blue Ribbon winners

Web video – Jose Vital (’17), Eduardo Orozco (’18), David Godsey (’19), Riley Ganka (’18)


National Scholastic Press Association

2016 Online Pacemaker Finalist

2014-2015 First Class Honor Rating


Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals

1st place Advertising – Paige Powell (‘16)*

4th place Copy editing – Julia Clarke (’16)

1st place Editorial cartoon – Paige Powell (‘16)*

5th place Editorial writing – Sabrina Brons (’16)

2nd place Sports writing – Tess O’Brien (’16)*

6th place Yearbook copy writing – Julia Clarke (’16)

6th place Yearbook theme development – Alexa Arakelian (’16) & Dilrose Kaur (’16)

*denotes state qualifiers

Illinois Journalism Education Association

Division 5 (enrollment 1,388-2,899)

Website Awards

1st place Best Digital-Only Publication

2nd place Best Overall Publication

3rd place Website

Individual Awards

1st  place Alternative Storytelling – Tess O’Brien(’16) & Sean O’Brien(’18)

1st place Audio Podcast – Sarah Nagel(’18)

1st place & 2nd place Editorial Cartoon – Paige Powell(’16)

3rd place Feature Story – Kayla Ruiz(’16)

Honorable mention Headline – Kayla Ruiz(’16)

2nd place Humorous Commentary – Tess O’Brien(’16)  & Jordan Palmer(’16)

3rd place Multimedia Story Package – Tess O’Brien(’16)

1st place News Story – Tess O’Brien(’16)

Honorable mention News Story – Rachel Stoffel(’16)

2nd place Review – Noah Snyder(’16)

3rd place Review Writing – Tess O’Brien(’16)

1st place Serious Commentary – Teagan Albin(’16)

2nd place Serious Commentary – Joshua Moore(’16)

3rd place Sports Commentary – Drew Brown(’16)

3rd place Sports Feature Commentary – Tess O’Brien(’16)

Honorable Mention Sports News Story – Brian Rehm(’16)

2 Honorable Mentions Editorial Staff Staff Editorial

1st place Video Story – Christian Owens(’16)

Northern Illinois Scholastic Press Association

Blue Ribbon winners

Web blog – Tess O’Brien (’16)

Web video – Christian Owen (’16)

Reviews – Noah Snyder (’16)

Honorable Mentions

News writing – Tess O’Brien (’16)

Editorials – Editorial Staff

Graphics – Sean O’Brien (’18) & Tess O’Brien (’16)


Best of School Newspapers Online Stories

Tess O’Brien Manny Scott returns to Palatine

Kaitlin Krause Behind the scenes of Romeo and Juliet

Tess O’Brien District 211’s transgender policy amiss with students

Kayla Ruiz Let’s hear it for the (Applied Tech) girls

Tess O’Brien What to expect from Netflix this year

SNO Recognition Badges


 Excellence in Writing Badge


Site Excellence Badge

Multimedia Badge


Illinois High School Association Journalism State
2nd place Advertising Paige Powell (‘16)
1st place News writing Laura Plata (‘15)
1st place Review writing Tess O’Brien (‘16)

Illinois High School Association Journalism Sectionals
1st place Advertising Paige Powell (‘16)
4th place Broadcast news Mike Smith (‘15)
2nd place Editorial cartoon Paige Powell (‘16)
5th place Feature photography Susan Jablonski (‘16)
3rd place Feature writing Laura Plata (‘15)
5th place Infographics Eleanor Esbrook (‘15)
2nd place News writing Laura Plata (‘15)
3rd place Review writing Tess O’Brien (‘16)
4th place Sports writing Tess O’Brien (‘16)
6th place Yearbook copywriting Allison Steinebrey (‘16)

Northern Illinois Scholastic Press Association

School Newspapers Online
Site Excellence Badge

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