How Zoom Affects PHS Students

Screenshot of a ZOOM Classroom from the teacher’s perspective.

Olivia Holmes, Reporter

Corona has affected everyone greatly these past six months and for students around the world we have had to adapt to using Zoom. Here is some feedback from a freshman and a senior.
Megan C. a freshman, said, “Virtual learning has affected a lot of my at home habits. Some changed for the better but some suffered from lack of motivation. I personally enjoy virtual learning but I also miss the school environment.”
On the other hand, Michael S. a senior said, “Zoom has been tough as Zoom and Classkick like to have minds of their own, causing more hardships than worth the result.” Michael S. added “I like aspects of working from home as I like how the schedule is split into two blocks; A day and B day. Yet, I dislike the low energy everyone comes to class with. As a senior, my last first day of school was over Zoom and now I can’ remember my classmates’ names unless we’re already friends.”
As for me personally, I do not like virtual learning as I am a very social person and I’m finding less motivation to turn my work in. On the other hand, I do agree with Michael as I also like the A day and B days.