Thrills and chills with Orchesis
Orchesis performs for the 2014 Royal Rally.
October 21, 2014
Orchesis is the Palatine High School dance program specializing in all genres of dance. From hip hop to ballet, students involved with this activity have a wide range of dance styles and technique. A common misconception is that it is in some way affiliated with the orchestra, which is not the case.
“I think the misconception should be cleared up, because Orchesis has nothing to do with Orchestra,” said Shannon Shahinian, a member of Senior Orchesis.
Orchesis consists of two teams, Senior and Junior, who choreograph and stage their own dances. Every Monday and Thursday, the two teams practice for upcoming performances. They start off by choreographing, and shape their dance into a completed performance. The two teams select everything from song choice to costuming.
Throughout the school year, Orchesis participates in numerous school events such as Royal Rally, pep assemblies, Variety Show, and Dance Show. During these events Orchesis must create several dances fitting the theme of the show. Right now Orchesis is preparing for the upcoming Dance Show titled “Haunted”.
“You should expect to see really creepy dances along the lines of Halloween. When I think of Haunted, I think of spiders, witches, and anything you would expect to see during this time of year,” said Sabrina Brons, another member of Senior Orchesis.
“Haunted” can be seen on Friday Oct. 31, and Saturday Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. When attending this show, expect to see a variety of Halloween themed dances that are both chilling and fun.