This week in sports
The Palatine football team runs in to start their game on Friday, October 28.
October 31, 2022
The last week of October was full of wins for our Palatine pirates. The transition from fall to winter sports is quick approaching but not without some more success from our fall teams.
Football takes a win against Downers Grove South this past Friday with an exciting game of back and forth but a final score of 31-23.
“I thought the game was fantastic,” senior offensive lineman Dylan Sarg said. “But there are still things we need to work on for next week.”
The football team is learning from their earlier season and working hard to prepare for this week’s game.
“This week is going to be a tough game but we’re looking to be 1-0 on the week, ”senior defensive back Keylan Mix said. “We’re just taking it one week at a time.”
Secondly, boys cross country takes first place at sectionals this weekend and is now looking forward to going to state. The girls took fourth place still qualifying for the state meet next Saturday in Peoria.
“I feel pretty good about the win,” senior runner Christian Keller said. “The last time we won sectionals was in 2011 and they won state, so it’s looking good.”
The girls team looked optimistic as well after their win.
“After regionals, I didn’t run very well so I was very nervous,” senior runner Katelyn Whitcomb said. “But sectionals went great and finishing the race was a fulfilling feeling.”

The preparation for state this week is going to be a lot of physical hard work from the teams but they are trying to take care of their mental health too.
“I’m honestly just trying to keep a positive attitude this week,” senior runner Tara O’Sullivan said. “I’m really trying to stay mentally strong to prepare myself. All our hard work is going to pay off this weekend.”
As fall sports are finishing their seasons PHS athletics still has a bright future for our winter teams starting their seasons. Girls basketball has their first practice this week as they prepare for the season ahead of them.
Good luck to all teams competing this upcoming week, we look forward to cheering everyone on.