The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of a friend is “one attached to another by affection or esteem.”
I’ve been friends with Brianna since second grade. It was the middle of the school year so I already had people to talk to while Brianna was just starting brand new in a school, she was unfamiliar and since we were neighbors, it was my job to introduce her to people and just be a friend. Unfortunately Second-Grade Me was frustrated that she was stuck with the new girl. Throughout second grade, we started to become closer friends and from then on, Brianna and I were inseparable. What makes her important to me is that she understands me as a friend and it’s the fact that she sees who I am as a person and what I strive to be. She knows my goals, aspirations and beliefs, and understands who I want to be in life.
With dance being a big part of my life it isn’t shocking that I now have six close friends who I hold very dear to my heart. I have been close with them since middle school and we are constantly hanging out with each other in and outside of dance. My very best friends Ryn, Dalton, and Aiden have been with me since the start of first grade. The three of them have always played a huge role in my life and the way I’ve grown up. I believe all my friends have made me into a better person and have helped me develop into the person I am currently.
According to studies the average person makes about 29 real friends over the years but will lose at least five of them along the way. Humans meet people everywhere constantly, so there could be a 50% chance you meet a new friend. Having friends is a key aspect of the way someone develops and also says a lot about said person. Friendships, if nourished properly, can help reduce stress, improve mental health and are shown to help improve multiple aspects of life. Friends and friendships help broaden our outlook on life by introducing us to new and different people and cultures that we might not have the pleasure of experiencing by ourselves.
There are many different qualities someone may want in a friend, something that makes a healthy friendship is if the multiple personalities mend well together. Sometimes people with opposing views do not understand each other well enough to be good friends. In a bigger aspect, good friendships can be something that affects you for life, these types of friendships have a long-lasting impact on who you are and how you present yourself later on in life. The type of people you choose to be close to or have a deep friendship with can also be a factor in how people choose to view you.
There will always be some sort of challenge somewhere in your life and that just also happens to be part of certain friendships, even if it is not specifically stated there could be a certain issue within the friendship. On the positive side, there can be a negative and challenging side as well, the way you communicate and respect others plays a large role in this. The way you communicate and respect someone can set you up for life because it is such a huge and important factor for life even outside of friendships/communication can play a major role in the workspace or even other relationships, without communication many things like that would be difficult or downright impossible.
Respect also plays a large role in your life, most people live by the rule that if you don’t respect others you will end up disrespected yourself. If you don’t have respect within relationships there is no way they will work out properly. Friendships also require lots and lots of effort, maybe with some friendships there can be a certain relaxation that if you don’t talk all the time the two people can still be friends, but that’s not always the case. I know for myself that even if I’m not seeing my friends outside of school or dance we still like to keep in touch, not daily but very often we will be texting each other to check in or talk about the new things going on in our lives.
To end my thoughts I would like to state that no matter what kind of friendship it is, it will always affect someone in some sort of way. Having a good true friend will teach you so many things throughout your life and will constantly benefit you no matter what. I’ve been in many good short-lasting friendships and many toxic lasting ones, just because they are on two different sides of the scale does not mean one is more important than the other. Friendship is one of the most important parts of life and it offers so many different experiences and opportunities with the friends I have today. I know for a fact that without them I would not be who I am today, they are a key part of myself as a human being. At every stage of life, I hope for them to be by my side, and that’s why I’m rating friendship 5 stars.