Student council contributes to school spirit
Student Council organizes blood drive on Nov 20.
November 20, 2015
Student council meetings offer opportunities to the members to help out with school events such as the blood drive and decorating the hallways for homecoming week.
“The biggest thing in being involved with student council is that it is a low stress type of activity and it’s a rewarding program.” Head advisor of student council James Nowak says. “In a typical year, over 100 students register for student council.”
Student council helps organize several school events such as the homecoming dance, turnabout dance and the blood drive.
The blood drive was on Friday, Nov. 20 at 7:30am in the East Gym. It’s to help donate blood to the Red Cross. Students under 18 need to have a parent or guardian sign a permission slip.
“It’s fun to be involved with the school’s activities and clubs and I really like student council.” Palatine High School junior Nina Vrtjak says. “I was looking to get involved in a club and I would recommend it.”
Student council has helped with homecoming week for a long time. One of their biggest tasks is to decorate the hallway for that week. And they’ve always done such a great job with decorating.
“The best thing that student council did was planning for homecoming week.” Student council leader Ronak Patel says. “One of my friends recommended that I join student council when I was a freshman and I’ve been a part of it ever since.”
Patel also says “I use social media and the school announcements to push students to join student council.”
Students having interest in being a student council leader must be a junior or senior to take the role and talk to Nowak about how to become a student council leader.
“Student council is an awesome way to participate and organize events and impact school activities.” Palatine High School science teacher Karisa Andrianopoulos says. “Kids talking about student council is what motivates students to join because student council is about what the students want.”
Anahi • May 31, 2016 at 1:24 pm
I feel proud knowing that Palatine High School is helping other people. Someday I would like to donate blood to help others.
Lonely • May 31, 2016 at 1:20 pm
It’s nice the Palatine Highschool is helping other people by donating blood. And this shows that students care of others. I can’t wait to donate blood!