Starbucks threatens the holiday season
While not explicit, the message that Starbucks implies with their new design inspires Communist, Anti-Christian revolution.
December 14, 2015
With the trees shedding their leaves and the squirrels stocking up on nuts for the coming months, there remains a black stain on the entire holiday season, which threatens all of America’s merry-making. With all of the outrage caused by this event, we could be talking about nothing else but the Reddening of Starbucks’ coffee cups.
This is a grim forewarning for many terrible things to come. We have long suspected Starbucks of having less-than-American sentiment with their Brazilian Blend coffee and oriental Teavana tea. The Reddening is only further proof of this anti-American propaganda.
We appreciate the usage of Christmas colors in the design, but with the only green in the cup being the logo, there is a serious imbalance of power. Normally, this could be overlooked, but with the absence of any other seasonal decorations, it becomes obvious that the company is insinuating something much darker.
With companies advocating for more and more red, our country is beginning to look more like the U.S.S.R. than the U.S.A. The issue may not seem this severe to the average American, but we’re pretty sure the majority of Chinese people didn’t grow up expecting to be Communists, and look where they are now.
Starbucks is not only moving toward Communist ideals, but away from Christianity with this new design. The lack of a “Merry Christmas” wish on our Peppermint Mocha Lattes ignores the real reason for the season, marginalizing the already-victimized Christian community. Jewish and Muslim Americans do not suffer from this change, so it makes no sense as to why Christians are being attacked.
Luckily, we have highly-qualified politicians backing us on this disgusting issue. Donald Trump, the harbinger of noble Republican Idealism, has suggested a noble plan: to boycott Starbucks.
“Starbucks is taking Merry Christmas. No more Merry Christmas. I will tell you,” Trump said at a rally in Springfield, Ill. “I have most one of the most successful Starbucks in Trump Tower,” he eloquently added, revealing how close the issue hits to home.
Trump is right, this brings dark tidings. Such a blatant attack on capitalist ideals cannot be tolerated. First, Starbucks turns their cups red. We can only expect that next they propose a plan to only serve hot water to equalize the prices of their products. Last, they’re sure to close all of the stores so that we cannot go shopping for presents for Christmas. Which, let’s be honest, is the true spirit of the holiday.