Exploring books at PHS
Meets first Friday of every month during sixth period.
May 31, 2016
Do you like to read? Do you like to talk about books with some pretty awesome people? Well, then the Palatine’s Book Bunch is right for you. This is a new club that gets together the first Friday of each month during 6th period lunch to talk about books.
This club was actually created by two students – Sara Nagal and Michaela Kueker.
“I have always had a passion for books and really wanted to discuss the books and hear other people’s views,” Nagel said. “This is why this wonderful club was created.”
Every month a new book is chosen to read and discuss. If you don’t like the book chosen or don’t have enough time to read it, that’s completely okay. Just participating in the discussion is great way to stay connected and learn something.
The book bunch is a great place to share book recommendations, talk about how you feel about the specific book chosen for the month, and just talk to some great people.
“My favorite part of the book bunch is the closeness of the group and the discussions,” Kueker said. If you don’t have sixth period lunch, you can still join the club and take part in the discussions by using Schoology. The discussions are all very interesting and hearing people’s different viewpoints is fascinating.
Since I have joined the club we have read 3 fantastic books, The Fixer, The Selection and The Scorpion Rules. Each book was something I hadn’t read before and they were very interesting reads. Right now, the club has 29 members and more are always welcome.
This club still has one more meeting before the end of the school year, so anyone can still come join. We meet in the hallway under the main staircase near the lunch room. Book Bunch is also run by English teacher Sarah Dyson. Remember, If you don’t have sixth period lunch, just join via the Schoology group.
Lonely • May 31, 2016 at 1:04 pm
It’s nice to know that teens enjoy reading and there is a club that people gather and talk about there book. It’s really interesting.