Not having a pool affecting PHS swim team?
The girls swim team posing at Birchwood pool. One of three pools the teams has practiced at this season.
October 27, 2016
9 months in the making, the pool is finally almost finished. But, a question lingers, how has this effected the swim team?
“I do not think it has effected us badly,” Ashley Busch says.
She seems to be right, with the successful season the team has had, not having a pool isn’t sinking the swim teams wins.
To be sure that they are prepared for the meets, they practice at the Fremd pool, Monday through Friday. This inconvenience certainly hasn’t brought them down, the teamwork and dedication has helped keep them afloat.
Throughout this season there has been many victories for the team, and many people continue to say great things about them.
The team has had to put in the extra mile by going to Fremd to practice and has been working harder than anyone else in order to win.
Since the pool is under construction, and students can’t stop in at the practice, be sure to show some pirate pride and go to their mext meet!