Why are iPads successful?
Julia Plesniak works hard and deliberately for her schoolwork on the iPad.
November 28, 2016
The thing is, iPads need internet, data, and space to download helpful apps like Schoology, Notability, and PowerPoint. Therefore, the school needs to spend money in order to buy these apps for everyone, as well as to hire people who know how to fix them when things go wrong.
Although iPads can easily be a distraction, this is a problem that teachers can easily fix.
“I wish we had something else like MacBooks. I use Schoology a lot but you can only use it with WiFi,” senior Connor Howard said.
“[iPads are] not consistent [and] it can sometimes be distracting,” said a Palatine High School Tech worker.
Personally, I am pro iPads because I do not like carrying a binder full of notes and homework.
Using iPads in school can be a good and bad idea. Some teachers love the iPads in the classroom.
“Yes, the iPads are very resourceful [and] kids can get caught up on recent missed work,” Karen Lange, a Palatine art teacher, said.
I think if you can get assignments faster, you can get more work done sooner.
They would also replace a lot of paper in the classroom, considering that “the average school spends between $30,000 and $50,000 a year on paper alone…[which means that around ] 5,955,000 sheets of paper [are] consumed in one year,” Lauren Moffett wrote in an article on novadesk.com.
The $30,000-$50,000 the school spends on paper could be invested into much needed school upgrades or after school programs. In other words, the school could save $50,000 a year by just cutting down on paper use, and using iPads or other tablets instead.
I do think schools should have iPads or some form of tech instead of pen and paper because in the long run it makes a lot of tasks simpler than having notebooks and a pile of worksheets. It makes high school a little bit easier.
Guiliana • Nov 30, 2016 at 12:39 pm
I agree with this article of that Ipads are useful and successful.