Writer’s Day inspires students
Nate Marshall reads from his book, Wild Hundreds, during PHS Writer’s Day.
November 17, 2017
Writer’s Day is a day where different writers present their work and share their experiences as writers in Palatine High School’s auditorium. It’s hosted in the auditorium during all periods on Nov. 16.
“I liked Writer’s Day because you don’t really hear about writers these days and it’s nice to hear what different writers have to say,” PHS junior Axel Cazares said.
Palatine High School hosts Writer’s Day where students can go to the auditorium during their free period to listen to different writers talking about their writings and share writing tips. There were different writers presenting throughout the day.
Palatine High School senior Bridget Maire believes it’s important for students to see that there are different ways to be successful writing.
“We have a team of people who work on our Writer’s Day led by the incredible Jennie and Jason Wodzien,” Palatine High School English teacher Brenton Fisher said. “They have been doing Writer’s Day for a few years now and essentially we all try to tap into our networks and reach out to as many different kinds of writers that we can in order to create a diverse day dedicated to the craft of writing.”
The school’s English department reached out to many different writers, hoping that they were willing to present. Their goal is to find different writers to show the diversity that can be created by writings. Most of the authors have been excited and positive when it comes to helping students move forward with their writing.
“The goal is to inspire more students to pursue their aspirations as young writers,” Maire stated.
“The basic outcome I want for Writer’s Day is for students to walk away with a deeper understanding of what writing itself is all about.” Fisher said. “I want everyone to have a deeper appreciation for the different kinds of writing and the writers behind the words. And most of all I want people to be excited about what writing can do, knowing that they also have that power at their fingertips.”
Writer’s Day is about inspiring everyone and the people that put this day together hopes that students will pick up a pen and start to write in order for them to express themselves. Palatine is proud to be able to host this event and hope it is worth the time spent putting it together.
“It was really nice to see the creativity that everyone had and could share, which people don’t do on a normal basis,” PHS sophomore Heather McDermontt said.