Kyle Carlson is a Junior at Palatine High School. Carlson has done swimming for a number of years and is now the captain of the swim team during the winter season as well as playing water polo in the spring....
Please please, institute a no “cell phone” policy for students at all during the day. Our young people are not connecting with each other. Connection to peers is a major factor in teens’ mental health. Prohibiting cell phone use not just during class time, but during free periods, sstudy hall, and lunch is important for their social and emotional development just as it’s important not to allow phones to distract them from academics in class. Keep the phones in their lockers.
-I will be a parent of a PHS student in 2020.
Kristi Wolfe • May 10, 2019 at 8:53 pm
Please please, institute a no “cell phone” policy for students at all during the day. Our young people are not connecting with each other. Connection to peers is a major factor in teens’ mental health. Prohibiting cell phone use not just during class time, but during free periods, sstudy hall, and lunch is important for their social and emotional development just as it’s important not to allow phones to distract them from academics in class. Keep the phones in their lockers.
-I will be a parent of a PHS student in 2020.