iPads: a necessary evil or a game changer?
Kate Lahey (15), Derek Thomas (15) and Jacob Gordan (15) in AP Chemistry using their iPads to do work.
September 5, 2014
As of 2014, iPads have been issued district wide to all students in D211. The pilot program that began two years ago has now taken full flight so that every student this year will have the much welcomed addition of an iPad in their backpack.
The district, as well as teachers who back the decision, believe that the introduction of iPads increases creativity, sharing of information, and wider access to resources in the classroom than ever before.
Of course, there have been mixed reactions by both teachers and students alike. Madame Melbou of the World Language department was admittedly, “a bit nervous about the upcoming year” but also believes “discoveries are made with more readily available information.”
However, according to studies done by Earl Miller, a professor of neuroscience at MIT, we simply can’t focus on more than one thing at any given time. Multitasking has actually been proven to actually reduce productivity up to 40%. Let us remember, however, that correlation does not equal causation. We might as well blame the Polar Vortex for the dip in AP tests if that were the case–I’m looking at you College Board.
Personally, I have a mixed reaction to our new 1:1 program as well. While my inner sociologist loves the fact that the District is trying to bridge socioeconomic disparities that have been proven to cripple academic success by ensuring that at least everyone has access to technology, I’m not quite buying in yet.
As co-author Stephen Dubner of Freakonomics wrote, “A nicer house doesn’t improve math or reading scores any more than nicer sneakers make you jump higher.”
How much then can we expect a really nice tablet to improve student success?
My one major inhibition concerning iPads is that I feel they have become a glorified cellphone. Yes, iPads do allow one access to a wealth of knowledge. There are apps for learning new languages, creating music, and learning how to cook (for all of us who can only boil water) but more often than not I see it being used for games or social networking. And there’s nothing wrong with Twitter or Injustice, but doesn’t such a powerful tool like the one I’ve been given have the potential to do so much more?
As someone who had an iPad last year, I understand the downward spiral that comes from getting sucked into a favorite app. I’d click on an album and then it would be two hours later and I’d still have a stack of homework staring me down.
It’s partly for that reason that I’ve decided to stick to pen and paper for all of my classes this year.
I realized the hard way that there’s just too much temptation on my device to keep me focused for six hours straight. And maybe that’s the most valuable lesson I can learn before going off to college: I need to learn how and when to restrict myself. At the same time, I’ve come to appreciate how awesome it is that I can spend my senior year with the world literally at my fingertips.
My only plea is that there first be some better instruction on how iPads can be used as an educational tool directed personally at students.
And then let the creativity follow.
John_Truth1776 • Feb 20, 2015 at 9:10 pm
WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! It’s time to realize that the government is brainwashing our children. It’s all part of the plan The first step is to turn everyone into mindless zombies: dependent on GOVERNMENT CHEESE. Then they will come for our guns. KING OBAMA wants to America into a totalitarian state. He wants to take our brains, then take our guns, and then freedom. Mao took the guns; Stalin took the guns; Hitler took the guns; OBAMA is coming for our guns. This was all planned out by the global elite at the Bilderburg Conference in 1984. That’s why the government of this country monitors everything we ever do. They need to root out “dangerous” ideas like Christianity, privacy and freedom. THE THOUGHT POLICE will come for you and your family if you don’t tow the party line. This is the future we are headed toward. It’s time to wake up and smell the Plomox. Rise up Sheeple! DOn’t become slaves to the EDUCATIONAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!! Fight back. 1776 will commence again. Don’t let the new world order conqueror America without a one. Bite the hand that feeds you poison! Today it’s ipads; tomorrow it will be Macbook pro’s, then Macbooks. But the sick bastards won’t stop there, no. Soon the teens of America will be using government Macbook Pro’s with Retina display. One day the government might even be able to trick the U.S. population into accepting full, beautifully designed, IMac desktops so they can be monitored 24/7. I really cannot fault Apple for their computer design. It is quite elegant, but simple at the same time. I fault them for allying with the global banking system and big Pharma to control the world population and force them to accept a one-world totalitarian government. I mean, for the average user, the Ipad and Iphone is a great device with an intuitive touch screen and a huge variety of applications.
Taji Magi • Nov 12, 2014 at 10:05 am
Schools all over are using the iPad and it’s absolutely ridiculous! Even Steve Jobs (and all of the Silicon kids) don’t let their kids use iPads. They send their kids to expensive private Waldorf Schools which utilize NO technology. iPads do not teach kids how to read or write or do math. Teachers do that. Schools are paying millions of dollars for technology that is going to be obsolete in 3 years (in fact, it’s already obsolete. Think Dragon software.) 10% of iPads break within three years. But there’s a BIGGER AND SCARIER picture going on here. Since the iPads are school owned, iPads are constantly surveilling our kids. Schools hire out Cyber Police to monitor our children. They say they do it to make sure our kids remain “good digital citizens,” but that is not all they are monitoring. They are monitoring how long it takes kids to complete an assignment, their reading rate, the number of answers they get wrong or correct. They are monitoring every single aspect of our kids behaviors. Since it is illegal for the Federal Government to monitor this, they have the individual states monitor the behavior, yet the schools nor the State are required or compelled to say who they release this information to. It’s time parents stood up and said “NO!” NO Ipads, NO Common Core Curriculum. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Big Brother is here. I can’t believe that parents can so easily sign over their child’s right to privacy. Are people so brainwashed they can’t even think for themselves anymore. It’s a sad day in our education system, and for our future generations when people give up their rights without a fight.