How to submit to (and join!) Face literary magazine

Joann Diep

Previous Face books

Joann Diep, Social Media/Photography Editor

Face, Palatine High School’s fine arts and literary magazine is accepting students’ pieces of original art or writing until December 21st. Work can be submitted using the submission form link on the main page of the PHS website. Students can and are encouraged to submit as many of their creations as they’d like.

“If students have a great piece they made last semester or first semester of this year they can submit that” Face sponsor Mrs. Bartlett said. As long as they are not plagiarized work, any range of mediums such as poetry, photographs, or 3D designs via photographs are allowed. However, to spread the wealth, typically students will only be featured once in the magazine if their work does get selected.

A unique part of Face is that the members of Face, the students, publish the little book themselves and choose which submissions will be included in its usual 48 or 59 pages. Bartlett’s favorite parts of Face include the collaborative teamwork aspect and the spotlight it puts on talented writers and artists here at PHS.

Face member Kathryn Deykun (19) said how “it’s chill” and agrees that Face is great because of the chance it gives others to discover that their classmates have a passion for whatever it is they submitted. Although Face recognizes talented writers and artists, Mrs. Broemmelsiek, co-sponsor with Bartlett, wants students to know that the members of Face don’t have to be artists or writers themselves. Instead, they just need to help celebrate the arts.

During first semester, Face meetings are after school on Wednesday’s in room 256. Face meets second semester every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to actually begin putting the book together. New members are always welcome anytime and all, especially those without the time commitment, are invited to attend the next Face party in December.

Face submissions can be made by clicking on this link.

Face Schoology Course Code: 2M8ZV-5K9QZ
Face sponsors: Mrs. Bartlett, art department
[email protected]
Mrs. Broemmelsiek, media center
[email protected]