PPAC hosts midterm election watch party
Over 100 Palatine High School students attend the midterm election watch party.
November 7, 2018
Nov 7 concluded the midterm elections. In order to allow students the opportunity to watch the unfolding of our democratic process, Pirates and Politics hosted a “midterm watch party.”
The party started at around 7pm in the cafeteria tuesday night. It consisted of blue and red streamers, as well as large posters which kept track of how many Republicans vs. Democrats had been elected in the governor’s, house of representatives and senate races. There was also a large projection of CNN live at the front of the cafeteria.
Many students were prompted to come, as a result of many Social Studies teachers promising extra credit if students attend the party. When asked as to how many students she believed attended the party, Pirates and Politics sponsor, Leslie Schock said, “I would say between 100 and 150.”
The amount of students that came out brought both excitement and surprise to many of the members of Pirates and Politics. Including junior Emily Maltais who stated, “I was surprised by the sheer amount of people that showed up.”
The party went on until around 9:20pm. Throughout the night, there was much mixed emotion throughout the crowd. There was visible frustration, as well as excitement that rang out as CNN projected various races. The moment of greatest reaction, was prompted by the win of J.B. Pritzker in the Illinois gubernatorial race.
The emotion was directly prompted when junior, Patrick Angelaccio, stood up on the stable and announced, “There is a projection”. To which he then proceeded to walk up to the poster that was tracking the governor’s race and filled in the bubble next to “Illinois” in blue.
“Everyone’s face just lit up and everyone was screaming,” junior Zohaa Choudhry said. “It sort of felt hopeful in a way that’s hopefully not dramatic.”
The night was invigorating and an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. It was all made possible as a result of the efforts of Pirates and Politics. PIrates and Politics works to promote political activism amongst its members and throughout the school. It meets every other friday morning at 7:30am in room 247.