PHS Basketball is taking on FHS

Anya Ball

The Boys varsity basketball team compete against each other at the Red and White game.

Monika Jurevicius, Sports Editor

Palatine High School’s Boys and Girls Varsity basketball teams will be going against Fremd High School. The teams will compete in a double-header. 

The teams have been preparing since the start of the season to conquer their rivals on the court. Watch them play while the bands play fun tunes during the game. Concessions will be served by the Cutlass staff from the beginning until the end of the game. 

Students and their families have free admission into the game. The Girls Varsity team (4-2) plays at 6 p.m and Boys Varsity (1-2) plays at 7:30 p.m on Friday, Dec. 7, in the main gym.