The love of grandparents


My grandfather and I spending time together over winter break.

Fidan Malikova, Features Editor

I hold onto my grandpa, hugging him before he leaves for his flight to Azerbaijan. Realizing I need to let go, I gradually pull away. Tears roll down my face as he leaves our sight, and I walk away, with only one thought in the back of my mind: when will I get to see him again?

Grandparents are a really big aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to their grandkids. They have a significant impact on us that nobody else does. They shape our views on the world in ways that we cannot possibly explain.

My dad and I were usually the ones who visited family back home, but this time it was different. My grandfather had the wonderful opportunity to visit us here.

Having stayed with us for two weeks, I mean it in every sense that I have completely changed as a person. I have not only become more positive, but I’ve started to view everything a lot differently. I’ve started appreciating all the little things in life.

I used to think of myself as someone who already appreciated all the little things there is in life, but I have witnessed first-hand that I have actually improved that about myself.

I know this not only applies to me, but to others as well.

Grandparents tell us stories, that take our imaginations and minds to a whole different place. It makes us feel gratitude for all we have, and appreciation for all they have done for our family.

My grandfather visiting and being able to spend quality time with him that I hadn’t got to before, has made me into a better person. A person who is so thankful for where I am in life, and where I am headed because of all the sacrifices my family has made for one another.

I get a call the next day after my grandfather left for his flight, “We’ve arrived.”

Even though he’s now across the world from me, a smile and a tear both form upon my face, because I miss him but I know he is safe.