Elliana Roy

Elliana Roy has been modeling since the age of 8.

Aakash Shah

Elliana Roy has been modeling since the age of 8.

Aakash Shah

A typical day with Elliana Roy is busier than the typical student in high school. Having overnight flights, landing in to the next city, the next day only begins with a couple hours of rest. She wakes up at 3 o’clock in the morning, just to let the photographer get cool shots in the desert light.

“My friends don’t think much of it. They know I model; it’s just a normal thing for them. After missing school, I have noticed people treating me differently and having more of a curiosity – many times those people are super nice and supportive,” Roy states.

From the start of one call, through the amount of practice she did for a script, her journey has not only progressed from having photo shoots every so often, and working with the best designers, but the charity work and awareness she brings to the community.

Through the exposure she gets from talking to lots of people on a normal day, it has helped her set up fundraisers for charity and give voice to the community about suicide awareness she says.

Modeling for  Live Out Loud Charity, she relays the message about core character development, anti-bullying and other related subjects which provide her duties as a model. She has attended LA Fashion Week and is the Mrs. Humanitarian Model for the Charity.

When in school, studio club, in which develops live on air news to the entire school, she makes sure she puts others before herself. A girl only being 12 years old, still continues to strive to be her best and put effort to make the community a better place.

“It’s such an amazing opportunity, I would love to go out there and find exposure in modeling after college,” Roy states.

From being on a variety of trips for modeling, she has met Frankie Grande, Daniel Franzese, Don Alavery, and many others. Many in which has encouraged her to go further, teaching her the knowledge that they know.

“Believe in yourself, and don’t let someone tell you that you too young or too small to do what you believe in,” Roy states.