Editorial: The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act is causing students to eat unhealthily

Editorial Staff

In 2010, Michelle Obama’s “Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act” was passed, meaning that in the PHS cafeteria all soda became diet soda, all chips became baked, and the cookies went from the size of the average student’s face, to the size of the bottom of our water bottles.

The government is trying to control what students eat in schools by trying to discourage us from drinking soda by giving us only diet soda, and now they’re making students pay an extra penny per ounce of artificial sweetener in our diet sodas.

School cafeterias are thinking that they are helping student’s eat healthier by taking away the normal foods, the food that isn’t baked or diet, and giving us the counterpart.

The district wants us to eat healthier, yet they still give us greasy pizza, french fries that taste like paper, greasy pretzels drowned in salt and drinks loaded in chemicals instead of calories.

Counting the calories that an individual intakes based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet is being more highly valued than the health of the student. We are given unhealthy food choices that are high in fat yet low in calories, forcing us to become unhealthy students.