Homecoming Spirit Week– a myriad of decades, designs and dyes

Al Paul

Homecoming 2019 Spirit Week competition winners vividly stood out amongst their peers.

Isabella Lujano, Contributor

Here at Palatine High School, we celebrate one week before our Homecoming football game leading up to the Homecoming dance with five days of outfits to represent our pride for the Palatine Pirates. This year’s theme was “100 Years of Loyalty,” celebrating 100 years since the first yearbook was published.

The first day of Spirit Week was flannel themed. On Monday, Sept. 23, 2019, some students went full-fledged farmer with a white shirt (think: something you’d find in the back of your closet, staling as it reeks of drywall and old paint from being pressed back to the walls) and ripped jeans frayed with little strings dangling from the tears. They wore black leather belts fitted with a silver latch below their opened flannel shirts. This pattern brings a feeling of the 1970s with coats, skirts and heathers. Interestingly enough, this style came back with grunge bands in the ’90s.

On Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019, Neon Day blazed bright and bold. Walking on to school grounds you could see the splotches of spilled glow-in-the-dark ink through everyone else’s dull clothing. From bright pinks to yellow bowl hats with the silver stripes shone like flashlights. Similarly, safety vests were fashionable with black leggings and bright sports socks. Some boys even wore bright scrunchies around their wrists. Vivid colors brought a memory like a sharp, tingly Sour Patch.

Day three, Wednesday Sept. 25, 2019, was simple– black and white. Immediately, the four classes were easily divided into two by people wearing white top to bottom.  They looked like they were inspired by Mr. Clean. Black and white was scattered like a checkerboard throughout the school.

Thursday rumbled in like the roaring ’90s, booming ’80s, sassy ’70s, and the early, groovy 2000s, but it was still Sept. 26, 2019. Opening up your closet you might have searched harder to find clothes that have a 90s vibe, clothes you find that you might never get time to re-wash and wear. Walking in, it seemed like this day took decades to finish after experiencing four simultaneously at school. From people carrying Walkmans to those wearing tie-dyed shirts to bright colors and zebra print, every passing period felt like a fashion show.

Friday, Sept. 27, 2019 was Superfan Day. Preceding that night’s football game, students ended the week than with all the spirit they could show. Football players wore their jerseys, and the cheer team, color-guard and poms all wore their uniforms. That afternoon’s Royal Rally crowned the Homecoming court, a couple that have been together since junior high, Sam Adame as king and Riley Larkin as queen.

Friday was also a special day to wear purple tie-dyed shirts to support P.E. teacher Jeff Manz’s son, who has Rett syndrome. Although the weather wasn’t ideal, Pirates were meant for the rain, and the clouds brought plenty. The Homecoming game was suspended after only 30 minutes, and resumed the next day. Spirit Week closed with the dance Saturday night, and marked the final chance for Yearbook to collect pictures and history that may be looked upon by students 100 years in the future.